A follow up email is sent after your order is procesed with all send-in information needed including address needed to send in items. Follow up email generally takes a few hours to receive from our team. Please be sure to check your spam/promotional folder and set not to spam so you dont miss out on any important information. It is important to send to the proper address given when your order is processed and not ncessarily an address you have possibly used before as we have multiple addresses depending on who is handling/sorting each signing event. Be advised we do not reach out to customers to let them know their send in item has arrived. Customer should check their tracking to be informed whether their send in item has been delivered.
Each signing has a send-in deadline date, so please make sure to mail your item(s) timely. Sending in an item to be autographed on time is solely the customers responsibility. Please remember to take weather, holidays, or busy shipping times into account when planning on shipping your items. Send in/Order date is specified in each autograph signing event. Send in deadlines are not signing dates. Deadline dates are needed in order to give us time to prepare (sorting/organizing) for a signing as well as travel etc.
Every item MUST be labeled properly! Customer's name, address, order number etc should be labeled on the back of each item. The front of each item should be labeled where to sign, how to sign (based upon order placed), & color requested. This is solely the customer's responsibilty.
We are unable to give ETAs on return shipping dates as there are many variables such as the number of items that are being signed, other signings events ECCS is involved with, travel, authentication etc. Rest assured that we ship as quickly as we possibly can and please note that we are unable to guarantee items back by a specific date for things such as needing items for a gift, other signings, etc but we do ship as quickly as we can while insuring your items are packed well. Generally, ECCS tries to start shipping within 2-3 weeks after a signing event. Shipping notifications, with tracking, are sent when an item is ready to ship. No tracking will be sent if items included a pre-paid label/SASE. Important to remember, send in deadlines are not signing dates. They are dates to allow us the time to sort and prepare for signing events, travel, etc. Emailing the day of, day after, or week of any signing event will absolutely not make an item ship any faster and will not be answered.
Website caculates shipping/handling costs based upon weight of a single item. In some cases, website can adjust for combined shipping/handling. Generally, it is not always able to (multiple 8x10s etc). ECCS will make automatically make adjustments, including refunds for any excessive fees to return shipping/handling fees charged at time of return shipping of items after completion of signing events, if we feel it is warrented. ECCS will also reach out to customers if website did not charge enough based upon weight/size of items sent in. Customer should not choose pre-paid return label option/SASE unless they are planning to send a pre-paid label and proper packaging material that can be reused. ECCS does not keep track of tracking for customer supplied return label/SASEs.
We always try our absolute best, however there are many circumstances that are out of our control. We cannot physically control someone else when they have a pen in hand. We also can not control pen malfunctions such as pens leaking, running out of ink mid signature, etc. We do bring multiples of each pen type to swap out pens as needed to ensure the best possible autograph and test each pen prior to being used for the signing. If you send in your pen and we notice it does not look good when we test it we will swap it out for the closest pen type available. Inscriptions are always at a signers/representatives discretion.
ECCS does not ever guarentee proof photos at any autograph event. If we are able to take any proof photos, they are a courtesy. No proof photo requests will be granted. Any proof photos we do take are always posted in our facebook group.
Signing event updates are regularly posted in the East Coast Collector's Service facebook group. There is also a signing update area on the website which is updated bi-weekly with shipping updates.
It can take up to 6-8 weeks after an item is authenticated for authentication companies to enter and update their database. PSA encapsulation submissions are once per month and can take 6-8 weeks for turn around time after submission. Please be patient during these processes.
You absolutely can have multiple signers autograph the same item, weather it be either a send in item or an ECCS purchased/supplied item. If your item is a send in item, please choose a send in option using the appropriate drop down menu selections for your type of item for each signer and make sure you tell ECCS in customer comments in checkout who will be autographing the same item. Please label for each signer appropriately. If your item is an ECCS purchased/supplied item, one of the signers would be an ECCS item, making appropriate selections on drop down menu (i.e. photo size etc) and the other signer would be a send in item of same size type item. Please tell us in customer comments that both signers wil autograph the same item.